The meme has become reality. Aaron Greenberg promised it and this mini fridge is going to be born. What started out as a joke with a refrigerator in the shape of an Xbox Series X is going to see the light of day and maybe land in your living room/kitchen.

This mini fridge which will be delivered in December will be available for pre-order from October 19th. You will have to go to Micromania to order it, for 99€.

Don’t worry, it won’t be a limited edition and new waves of refrigerators will be released in 2022.

As far as this fanboy gadget is concerned, you can easily store between 10 and 12 cans (or an Xbox Series X, it’s up to you).

The fridge comes with 2 buttons, one to turn on the sphere at the front, the other to light up the top of the “console” in green. A USB port is present at the front to recharge your controller.