Behind the scenes of Worlds 2020 visual effects from LoL
The 2019 edition in Paris had given us some quality visual effects, but this 2020 version of League of Legends Worlds goes even further. We have been able to admire the work of the technical teams on several occasions (between the opening ceremonies and the direct ones), and we are now learning a little about what is behind this gargantuan work.
Riot and Possible Productions have pushed the boundaries of reality once again to allow viewers behind their screens to travel without moving from their seats.
A job done in record time since the overall setup was completely redesigned last May when the decision was taken to withdraw the public.
Ce choix a été l’occasion rêvée pour avoir une scène à 360°, où un véritable monde virtuel prend vie. On s’attend à un show de haut niveau pour la finale qui aura lieu ce 31 octobre 2020.
Et voici les shows que l’on a pu admirer pour le moment !